We know you’re inundated with messages from every corner during this season telling you about why you SHOULD diet. But we can guarantee you, the diet industry does not have your best interest at heart. It never has, it never will. So here are 3 reasons NOT to buy into a diet hype. At its core, the diet industry is about make money Why do diets fail a majority of the time? The diet ... Continue Reading »
Body Positive?
I was recently reading a blog a close friend of mine had written on her own healthy journey. One little blurb she wrote really stuck out to me— “The way to change my life and change my health is to choose every day what will make me healthy now. What’s the right decision today. Because – whenever I’m at that mythical me state where I think I’ll feel 100% better about how I look – I’ll still ... Continue Reading »
Yes, It’s Possible to Love Your Body
Developing a healthy body image, a good relationship and perspective of your body, can be incredibly difficult. Daily we as a society are inundated with images of what a “good” body should look like, what is acceptable and what is not in our appearance. And we know that these unrealistic images and standards can increase an individual’s negativity about their own body. In our work as eating ... Continue Reading »