Live Well Therapy Associates offers individual, family and group therapy services in Narbeth, PA. We are also available to meet virtually in the following states: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Virginia, Indiana, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Ohio, Massachussets, Alabama and Colorado. Offering a variety of approaches to meet each client’s needs, we can help you address disorder issues, depression, anxiety and relationship problems.
Therapy for Individuals
Individual therapy is offered between therapist and client in varying frequencies, depending on the client’s need. Often clients attend once per week, but sessions can be held anywhere from 1 to 8 times per month. A LWTA therapist will meet with you for an initial assessment in order to determine your specific needs. Together, you and your therapist will develop a plan of action, including frequency of visits, as well as clear and attainable goals to support the changes you desire in your life.
Therapy for Families
Family therapy is also available in order to assist our clients in fostering change and growth in their daily lives. This type of therapy exists in order to work with families and couples to help foster healthier intimate relationships. Together, LWTA therapists will assess the current methods of communication and interactions between members of the family and assist individual family members in creating healthier interactions amongst family members.
Therapy Services for Groups
DBT Skills Group
Tuesdays 5:30-7pm beginning January 16th 2024 on Zoom
Live Well Associates is excited to announce a new Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills group. DBT is an evidenced based therapy that aim to reduce interpersonal conflict, regulate emotions, and change behavioral patterns.
Group will be run by Sarah Aked, MSW, who has clinical expertise working with individuals who are LGBTQ, live with anxiety, major mood disorders, and invisible and progressive diseases. Sarah is passionate about supporting clients with practical skills as they navigate mental health recovery.